Think about an area of your life you would like to improve.
Write down several suggestions that you can give yourself in self-hypnosis.
Make sure your suggestions are exciting, powerful and descriptive.
Note: When creating suggestions, think about what you really want and don’t limit yourself based on your current beliefs.
For example:
"My confidence thrills me, it relaxes me, it empowers me, it liberates me, it sets me on fire. It gives me the ambition and drive to do all of the things I want to do."
Words like these help your mind to get a picture.
When in hypnosis, you can ask your subconscious mind a 'yes' or 'no' question and initiate an involuntary response to that question, usually by moving a part of your body such as your fingers. This is called an Ideomotor Response.
To set up ideomotor responses using your fingers, follow the steps outlined below.
Step 1. Rest your hands flat on your lap.
Step 2. When in hypnosis, ask your subconscious mind a question that you would like an answer to. It must require a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer.
Step 3. Just say to your subconscious mind, "Lift the 'Yes' or 'No' finger.
Step 4. For example: "Should I take that new job? Tell me. Lift the left finger if it's 'No' and the right finger if it's 'Yes'."
Step 5. One of your fingers will raise in response to your question.
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